Piece of my mind

I miss my dear dear so much...
Miss hugging her..
Miss kissing her....
Love her so much...


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wa piang~Like That also can a?

I DON'T LIKE your Friendster...
I think YOU need a new one...

Let's try out on hamster.com perhaps?
or even better.. kawanster.com

When I first saw this...my 1st reaction was
What the FROG?

kawanster.com is the Malay version of friendster.

This is the founder of kawanster.com

No offence to the founder of kawanster.com but isn't it a bit odd of calling it kawanster.
You copy the friendster site's functions and name also copy from the friendster.
walao....but you did a great job....really...No one on earth will do great things like this.

Since there is kawanster.com, no doubt rempitster.com or gangster.com will out soon.
Just wait patiently and you can get opportunity to join these special "sters" ,friend-making site.


Don't Click For Your Own Sake